Frequently Asked Questions
Should our program pursue Accreditation or Recognition?
– Is your program based in higher education?
Coach education programs based in higher education settings that offer academic credit for tuition can only pursue comprehensive accreditation, meaning that the program must address all 42 standards of the National Standards for Sport Coaches.
– Is your program based in a noncredit education setting (like a sport governing body)?
Coach education programs that provide professional development programs or services can pursue either comprehensive accreditation, comprehensive recognition, or core responsibility recognition. Comprehensive accreditation is recommended only for large and/or nationwide programs that cover all 42 standards and have a substantial administrative support and funding. Comprehensive recognition could be a good pathway for a large and/or nationwide program that is just launching, giving 7 years to build capacity that would support comprehensive accreditation during the renewal process. Core responsibility recognition is a great option for programs that have a very specific focus and only address some national standards. To achieve core responsibility recognition, a program would need to address all standards within a specific core responsibility.
What happens in an accreditation or recognition?
– There are 2 main parts of an accreditation: (1) the folio assembly process, and (2) the folio review process.
– The folio assembly process is undertaken by the client (AKA the director of a coach education program, a designated staff member, or a consultant). Using the accreditation checklist (or recognition checklist), the client gathers written evidence that shows how the program meets the program administration guidelines (including organizational structure diagrams, program policies, resumes/CVs for key personnel, enrollment data, and related documents) and the curricular content standards (including course outlines/syllabi, specific learning activities, and learning assessments). These documents are assembled into a digital folio and then submitted to the NCACE folio coordinator assigned to the project. The client should consult with the NCACE chairperson early in the process (before starting to assemble the folio) to address specific issues with materials to include and how to submit the digital folio.
– The folio review process begins when the client submits their digital folio and pays the accreditation (or recognition) fee. The folio coordinator then reviews the program administration guidelines, and selects two independent folio reviewers to review the curricular content standards. Each guideline and standard is reviewed on a 3-point scale and must receive on average a 2-point (“satisfactory”) score to receive approval. When a guideline or standard scores below satisfactory, the client is invited to file a rejoinder, which could be as simple as providing additional information but in some cases could necessitate making program changes and showing evidence of those changes.
– Once the folio is approved, accreditation or recognition is granted for a period of 7 years, ending either June 30 or December 31 depending on when accreditation or recognition was granted.
– The NCACE will provide a generic press release when a program is accredited or recognized, to be published on the NCACE website and available to the client for their own dissemination. The program will be added to the NCACE Directory of Accredited and Recognized Programs.
When are folio submissions reviewed?
– Accreditation and Recognition folios are reviewed in two cycles each calendar year. Folios submitted by January 15 will be reviewed by June 30. Folios submitted by July 15 will be reviewed by December 31. If a rejoinder is required, this may require more than the normal allotted time.
What are the fees and when do I pay these fees?
– Accreditation costs $4,200. USCCE covers organizational membership fees in the first year, then the client must maintain organizational membership in the USCCE for the remaining 6 years of the accreditation (currently $250/year).
– Re-accreditation costs $3,400. USCCE covers organizational membership fees in the first year, then the client must maintain organizational membership in the USCCE for the remaining 6 years of the accreditation (currently $250/year).
– Recognition costs range from $700-$1,200, depending on the number of standards being reviewed in a folio. A comprehensive recognition (all 42 standards) costs $1,200. The NCACE Chairperson will provide an exact cost for a Core Responsibility Recognition to the client early in the consultation process.
– Accreditation and Recognition fees are used to provide small stipends to folio coordinators and folio reviewers for their review work, and also support USCCE and NCACE operational costs. USCCE organizational membership fees support USCCE operational costs.
How long does the process last?
– The folio review process typically lasts 5-6 months. If a rejoinder is required, additional time will be necessary.
-Once granted, an accreditation or recognition lasts for 7 years.
What information must be provided for an application?
– Interested clients should visit the Accreditation or Recognition webpages to watch the specific training video and review the appropriate checklist.
– It is very useful to conduct a consultation with the NCACE Chairperson early in the process to learn more and to ask specific questions. Click here to schedule an appointment; alternatively, you may schedule an appointment by contacting us by email.