Coach Developer Academy

Coach Educators and Coach Developers – become a part of the growing international family of ICCE trained coach developers!


Foundations in Coach Development: A USCCE Virtual Workshop                                      

Program Date: April 11-13, 2023

Time: 12 p.m.- 3 p.m. daily (ET)

Program cost: $75 USCCE members / $90 non members. Organizational discounts available for 2 or more participants, contact us for more information.

Applications due TBD. Accepted applicants will be notified on or before TBD. Late applications will be considered after the deadline if space allows.

Who should attend: Coach developers/ coaching education staff interested in learning more about innovating your approach to supportive coach education models, coach development and the evolving role of the coach developer.

Foundations in Coach Development is an engaging 3 day (3 hours/day) virtual workshop designed for individuals who work within coach education and coach development settings and who work with or oversee sport coaches to explore the foundations of learning as they apply to coaching education and coach development. Essential principles of learning facilitation and adult learning design will be discussed with a goal of supporting a shared language within the coach education community and to the evidence-based practices in education. Across all three days, each of the sessions will provide opportunities for participants to explore practical application of the concepts within their current coaching education work and to network and engage with others in the workshop. This workshop is facilitated by experienced coach developers who work across a variety of sport organizational settings. This virtual interactive event strives to maintain a 6:1 participant to facilitator ratio.

For more information contact us at [email protected].


Supporting Coaches in Practice workshop: USCCE/ ICCE Coach Developer Program

Program Date: Fall 2023 Date TBA

Program Location: TBA

Program Coast: $200 USCCE Members/ $250 non Members. Organizational discounts available for 2 or more participants, contact us for more information. Program cost includes materials and lunch each day, participants are responsible for their own travel & lodging.

Applications due TBD. Accepted applicants will be notified on or before TBD. Late applications will be considered after the deadline if space allows.

Who Should attend: 

The  ‘Supporting Coaches in Practice Workshop’ is the second blended learning program helping coach developers to support their coaches’ learning outside the formal workshop in more informal contexts. The 2-day program focuses on how to observe coaches in practice, how to review and help them to reflect on their practice, how to mentor them and how to assess professionals in the field for positive professional and program growth. Coach Developers will be encouraged to develop their skills in all these areas and reflect on how they currently support, mentor and assess coaches to help them continually to develop their coaching practice. Individuals completing this workshop will receive both USCCE and ICCE program certificates of completion.

Pr-requisite: Successful completion of a USCCE/ICCE Teaching & Learning Facilitation Skills workshop or similar ICCE workshop is required for participation in the Supporting Coaches in Practice Workshop.

For more information contact us at [email protected]


Teaching & Learning Facilitation Skill Workshop: USCCE/ ICCE Coach Developer Program

Program Date: May 12-14, 2023 (arrive May 11th)

Program Location: The Seelbach Hilton 500 Fourth Street Louisville, KY 40202. Call 502-585-3200 and mention the United States Center for Coaching Excellence to receive a discounted room rate of $179 per night.

Program cost: $400 USCCE members / $450 non members (organizational discounts available for 2 or more participants, contact us for more information. Program cost includes materials and lunch each day, participants are responsible for their own travel & lodging.

Applications due TBD. Accepted applicants will be notified on or before TBD. Late applications will be considered after the deadline if space allows.

Who should attend: Coach developers/ coaching education staff interested in exploring the application of educational principles within coaching education program design and developing their facilitation skills.

The Teaching and Learning Facilitation Skills Workshop, the flagship program within the USCCE Coach Developer Academy. This workshop uses a blended learning approach which includes preparatory e-modules and a highly interactive workshop which addresses how coaches learn, delivery strategies, and facilitation skills of questioning, listening, review and feedback. This 3-day intensive and interactive workshop provides many opportunities to apply the learning and practice your skills with high quality feedback from peers and facilitators. Teaching and Learning Facilitation Skills Workshop participation is capped at 25 with a 5:1 participant to facilitator ratio to ensure a high quality experience. The USCCE Coach Developer Academy is excited to partner with the International Council for Coaching Excellence  to provide Coach Developer training in the United States. The USCCE/ICCE Coach Developer programs provide intensive in person 3 day workshops for individuals who work with, educate and support coaches. Individuals completing this workshop will receive both USCCE and ICCE program certificates of completion.

For more information contact us at [email protected].

Who should apply to attend?

  • EAnyone who provides coaching education, works with coaches, and facilitates coach development at any sport level who is interested in improving as an educator and facilitator.
  • EIndividuals who are passionate about delivering quality coaching education and coach development opportunities to volunteer and paid sport coaching professionals
  • EProfessionals who are interested in working with others in the profession to explore common challenges and share ideas for development in the field of coaching education and development
  • ENovice and experienced coach educators and coach developers are welcomed and encouraged to apply.
  • EAnyone who trains or works with coach education providers.
  • EInternational applicants are welcome!
  • ENote: Participants must have completed and earned their Facilitation certificate through the USCCE/ICCE Coach Developer Program or another ICCE supported program in order to be eligible to participate in the Supporting Coaches in Practice program.
Where are Coach Developer Academy workshops held?

USCCE Coach Development Academy workshops are held yearly in association with the North American Coach Development Summit.

​The USCCE also provides USCCE Coach Development Academy workshops for organizations upon request.

Please send an email to [email protected] for more information.

soccer coaching
basketball coaching
basketball coaching

Academy Workshop Details

  • EWorkshops are tailored to event participants and are capped at 24 participants to ensure a quality learning experience for all.
  • EWorkshops are highly interactive with group discussions, application practice and detailed feedback.
  • EParticipation includes preparation e-modular work prior to the workshop, full workshop attendance and follow up event reflections.
  • EClass sizes are kept small to allow for a 6:1 participant facilitator ratio.